Established in 1972, the College offers professional designations for advisors in the financial services industry.
Here you can research our professional designations, state-by-state approvals & regulations, and even search for advisors with our designations in your area.
To find information on a specific designation, click one of the logos to the left.
To search for an advisor or to research regulations in your state, click the links below:
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© 2007-2025 College For Financial Planning. All Rights Reserved.
The following trademarks or federally registered service marks are owned by the College for Financial Planning and may not be used without the express written consent of the College
Accredited Asset Management SpecialistSM or AAMS® | Accredited Domestic Partnership AdvisorSM or ADPA® | Accredited Portfolio Management AdvisorSM or APMA® | Accredited Wealth Management AdvisorSM or AWMA® | Chartered Mutual Fund CounselorSM or CMFC® | Chartered Retirement Planning CounselorSM or CRPC® | Chartered Retirement Plans SpecialistSM or CRPS® | Chartered SRI Counselor™ or CSRIC™ | Financial Paraplanner Qualified ProfessionalTM or FPQPTM | Master Planner Advanced StudiesSM or MPAS®